September 28, 2023 - October 7, 2023
10:00 - 22:00
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

About the Riyadh International Book Fair

The Riyadh International Book Fair is one of the largest book festivals in the region. The 2022 edition saw more than 900,000 visitors. It is hosted by the Ministry of Culture and organized by the Literature, Publishing & Translation Commission, both working towards establishing Saudi Arabia as the core of publishing, literary, and arts and culture and Architecture. It is recognized as the first Educational & social event in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line with THE VISION 2030.

About Lire en français

This cultural, educational event is unprecedented in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, regarding its participants, from publishing houses to writers and authors with multiple publications in French.

It will allow a space for a cultural and social dialogue as well as a forum for French-speaking communities, and for those who wish to learn French as well as to gain insight over the cultural and social role that France is renowned for in social development.

Moreover, it will shed light on the unique historical relations between France and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The event will also provide books written in French for all ages and societal groups, and organize educational and social activities. Indeed, King Saud University yard will represent a place dedicated to organizing the Riyadh International Book Fair 2023, which is the optimal oasis to receive thousands of visitors daily, all through the duration of the fair.


  • Francophone pavilion at the Riyadh International Book Fair. First-ever participation of the large francophone community.
  • Cultural programs aiming to attract French-speaking individuals. Invitation to accredited schools or ones that focus on the French language within their curriculum.


  • More than 75 French and French-speaking publishers gathered at a pavilion that spans over 500m², presenting a vast range of books targeted towards all ages: books for the youth, novels, and articles… surpassing 2000 references.
  • Influential people and major workers within the francophone scene in Riyadh: the French alliance and Riyad Accueil.

Sponsorship packages (AR)

Sponsorship packages (ENG)

Presentation of LIRE EN FRANCAIS (French)

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