CAFS Organizes Its First Digital Committee

The Saudi French Business Council organized the first meeting of the Technology and Digital Transformation Sector Committee, represented by its Vice President Eng. Soufyan AlKabbani, on October 17th at the of the Federation of Saudi Chambers.

The meeting aimed to provide a key platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and fostering partnerships among member companies. It was exclusively open to CAFS members from Saudi and French companies operating in the digital sector.

This meeting gave way to the following program:

    • 10:00 AM – Welcoming speech by Eng. Soufyan ALKABBANI, Vice-President of CAFS and CEO of Saudico Electronic Systems
    • 10:15 AM – Presentation of the proposed development of the CAFS Digital Committee by Guillaume Rebiere, Chief of Staff of CAFS, covering:
      • Objectives of the committee
      • Organization and governance of the committee
      • Preparation for the election of Co-Chairs
      • Proposed calendar for future activities and events
    • 10:30 AM – Open discussion among committee members on the proposed development of the CAFS Digital Committee
  • 11:30 AM – End of meeting and networking coffee break
Previous CAFS Hosts French Delegation for Security and Cybersecurity Collaboration with Business France

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