December 4, 2023 - December 6, 2023
10:00 - 22:00
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

ESL & Network and the Saudi French Business Council (CAFS) are partnering to organise the French Healthcare Day, which will take care on 4th December 2023, in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).

This event will be organised under the patronage of the France-Saudi Arabia friendship group of the French Parliament, presided by Deputy Mrs. Amélia LAKRAFI, Elected Member of the French General Assembly, who will accompany the French healthcare delegation to Riyadh.

This exceptional event will give you access to the top French and Saudi decision-makers. The French delegation will include representatives of French healthcare companies, as well as of the French Embassy, BPI France, Business France, ESL & Network, Rivington, and Medef International.

Representatives of the Kindgom of Saudi Arabia will include H.E. the Minister of Health, H.E. the Vice-Minister for International Cooperation, H.E. the Vice-Minister in Charge of Planning, and H.E. the Vice-Minister in Charge of Digitalisation.

The Saudi French Business Council (CAFS) will be the partner of this event in Saudi Arabia, and will be in charge of organising B2B meetings between French and Saudi companies.

Provisional program

The event will take place at the Federation of Saudi Chambers in Riyadh

  • 10:00 a.m. – Inauguration by His Excellency the Minister of Health as well as by the Vice-Minister for International Cooperation, the Vice-Minister in charge of Planning and the Vice-Minister in charge of Digitalization;
  • 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Presentation by the Ministry of Health of modernization work and strategic priorities, followed by a question-and-answer session;
  • 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Networking Lunch between participants;
  • 8:00 p.m.: Official reception at the French Residence.

Organisers, Sponsors & Partners

Previous Masterclass ESSEC Business School – “When Building a Brand is a Strategy”

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