EY France delivers conference on the attractiveness of French market for the CAFS

Mr. Eric Fourel, President of EY France, and Mr. Mohamed Mabrouk, Partner at EY France, came to Riyadh, on 25 October 2023, to deliver a conference on “France at the forefront today. How about tomorrow?” to CAFS members and other French and Saudi companies, at the Federation of Saudi Chambers.

The Saudi French Business Council (CAFS) was represented by Dr. Mohamed Ben Laden, President, Eng. Faiz Al-Elweet, Vice-President, and Eng. Soufyan AlKabbani, Vice-President.

This conference brought together more than 40 French and Saudi professionals, eager to learn more about the positive environment and the incentive that France offers to foreign investors. The event was concluded by a networking luncheon among participants.


Précédent CAFS’ President presents opportunities offered by Saudi Arabia at CCI France Liban’s event

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