Aman Solutions for cybersecurity

Industry / Sector

Information Services


Saudi Arabia

Number of employees worldwide

Less than 20

Company Profile

Aman Cyber Security was launched to defeat cyber dangers and overcome the issues that come up when you face such attacks. Our teams work tirelessly to provide greatness when it comes to cyber strategy to ensure your safety. Aman is on your side; we take cyber security seriously so that your organization can reach its maximum potential without the danger that illicit communities present.

Products & Services

  • CYBERSECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT As the sophistication of cyber-attacks increase, identifying any vulnerabilities and risk for your organization requires more than a basic vulnerability scan. We run breach intelligence and verification, malware, incident response, forensics, cybercrime, DDoS, and more to identify risks to your cybersecurity. Aman Solutions For Cyber Security virus protection Icon
  • CYBERSECURITY DEFENCE Our risk-focused program provides innovative solutions for cybersecurity defence that overcome any risks to your organization. Our world-class, multi-level defence system equips you with the most state-of-the-art tools to prepare your organization for managing cyber risks. Aman Solutions For Cyber Security key protection Icon
  • CYBERSECURITY TESTING AND ASSURANCE You can rely on our professional team whose testing methods and skills have been honed over the years to protect your organization. Our testing and assurance guides are tailored to meet the unique challenges and needs of your organization. We deliver for you to have the best results.


Atiah Alzahrani



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