ClinGroup Euromed speaks at the CCFA’s French Arab Summit

Dr. Nadia Cheaib, Chairwoman of ClinGroup Euromed, participated as a speaker in the panel discussion on “Arab health ecosystem challenges in time of crisis”, during the 4th France-Arab Countries Economic Summit organised by the Chambre de Commerce Franco Arabe (CCFA) in Paris.

As a scientific #socialenterprise, she highlighted the importance of consideration for:
1. #socioeconomic fluctuations
2. #political and #refugees conditions and diseases migration and outbreak
3. #authorities #leadership policies in terms of #2030vision and #sdgs , requiring major #health reforms and #capacitybuilding
4. #lifestyle impacting incidence increase in #ncds
5. #synergy of #bigdata in #medicalresearch
6. #current authorities discussion of #mutual recognition procedures

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