
قطاع الصناعة

المستشفى والرعاية الصحية



عدد الموظفين حول العالم

أكثر من 250

ملف الشركة

Dedalus is the leading healthcare and diagnostic software provider in Europe, supporting globally the digital transformation of 6300
Healthcare Organisations and 5700 Labs and Diagnostic centres worldwide, processing its solutions for more than 540 millions of population worldwide. Dedalus offer supports the whole continuum of care, offering open standards-based solutions serving each actor of the Healthcare Ecosystem to provide better care in a healthier planet. Life Flows through our software.

المنتجات والخدمات

Dedalus provides comprehensive portfolio of IT solutions spanning the entire healthcare continuum, facilitating the digital transformation of the healthcare ecosystem. Our services encompass program definition, implementation, and live service operations. Our consultants develop
digitalization strategies, while our technology experts ensure transformative outcomes. Dedalus is dedicated to supporting organizations through advisory, management, and implementation of impactful transformation projects.


Mr.Sam Amory

المدير العام

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