
قطاع الصناعة

المستشفى والرعاية الصحية



عدد الموظفين حول العالم

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ملف الشركة

bioMérieux SA is a French multinational biotechnology company founded in 1963 with headquarters in Marcy-l’Étoile, France closes to Lyon with direct presence in 45 countries and serves more than 160 countries through a large network of distributors. bioMérieux provides diagnostic solutions in Microbiology , Immunoassay and Molecular Biology (reagents, instruments, software, services) which determine the source of disease and contamination to improve patient health and ensure consumer safety.

المنتجات والخدمات

The company is Global Leader in microbiology and leading pioneer in the syndromic molecular approach with worldwide commitment on major public health issues by diagnosing infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance& surveillance, sepsis , respiratory infections, cancer screening & monitoring and cardiovascular emergencies. bioMérieux diagnostic solutions are also used for detecting microorganisms in agri-food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.


Mr.Alexandre Busatni

Strategic Partnership Manager METERA

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